Ok, the last post was super helpful for preparation, which means now it’s time for me to start gathering supplies!
1. This is the old phone I have that I’m planning on bringing to the shoot just in case it’s needed. The front is a bit broken, but it’s still functional and adds character to whoever might need to use it. (ex. 404 broke it during a battle, Julias clumsy and has just dealt with a broken phone)
2. I scavenged my house for any old backpacks we had to use for Julia, and the only ones I could find were a bright red backpack themed after Steven Universe and an old yellow one of my brothers (see below). I didn’t want to use the red one because I felt the red was too bright for Julia’s character, but I also don’t want to use the yellow one because the style of it (drawstring) means a lot of time will be wasted as Julia takes out her school work. So, I decided to ditch using a backpack altogether, and I know I said I didn’t want a backpack with big designs, but this bag I found felt very fitting for Julia. It’ll also mean taking out her supplies will be a lot easier
Side note, I’ve pulled ut some pens (pink, blue, and purple wink wink) and some of my notebooks/binders to put in Julia’s bag :))
3. I texted my brother to ask if he left any microphones or a tripod that I could borrow for filming, and he had one of the items: lapel microphones! So of course, I took a few videos to try them out.
- The first video I took of me with the mic plugged into my phone and clipped onto my shirt. It was pretty windy out, so the audio cut out at times and my voice was really loud. Overall, the quality wasn’t the greatest.
- The second video I took without the lapel mic. Honestly, it worked a little better than I thought it would. I could hear myself really well, and it didn’t sound artificial like I thought it might. Verdict: not a bad option! Especially since Julia, the one saying her lines while outside, can project. Just actor things <3
- The final video once again featured the lapel microphone, but this time I kept it clipped on my shorts. Honestly, it worked really well! I was expecting the wind to make the audio scuffed, but it didn’t in the video. It made my voice more defined than if I didn’t use the mic, though I still have some concerns about using it. For example, I can’t film super far away from my actor due to the chord. Also, I fear the wind might still be an issue, and her clothes might mess with the audio since she will be sitting down.
MY DECISION: I’ll try the mic on the shorts first, but if it’s windy and the audio is cutting out, I’ll forgo the microphone altogether.
4. Also, a day later my Dad found a tripod-like stand in my brother’s room that I somehow missed. It doesn’t have a place to attach a camera, but luckily my Dad has a clip I can insert my phone into and attach to the stand. Bam! Makeshift tripod :).
5. One last thing to discuss: locations! I envisioned the opening scene occurring in a park on a bench, and luckily for me, I’ve got a few parks nearby my house, so let’s take a look at them!
- First: Tequesta Trace Park. Not bad, it’s right by a football field, track, and park, which means there’s a lot of people around. This pavilion has a lot of benches, which I think could make for some cool shots. The main issue is there are signs saying the shelters are closed. While I could say screw it and use them anyways (because people do that) I would feel too much fear and also have to avoid filing the shelter closed sign which is annoying. Then again, If I need to, I can use it.
- Next: Regional Park. Honestly, the same things as the Tequesta Park. Has the shelter closed signs so I’d feel bad about using it. Plus, there’s a lot of people at that park so :/ but like before, if I need it I can use it.
- Finally: Gator Run Park. Doesn’t have shelter closed signs!! Woohoo!! It also has a lot of people but I’d feel more comfortable working around it. Plus, there’s a really pretty shelter right at the top of a hill which would be the perfect spot for the opening, I’d just have to claim it before anyone comes and takes it. Though there are 2 other shelters also at this park, so I can always move to another one. I think this park is my first choice.

(The Tequesta Trace Park shelter, its kinda hard to see with the foliage, sorry)
(The Regional Park shelter)
(One of the shelters at the Gator Run Park, my first choice for filming!)
Goodbye for now, I’ll see you next week when I start filming!!